Delegate to KOPI using Daedalus
Daedalus is an official full node wallet, which means you download a full copy of the Cardano blockchain and independently validates every transaction in its history.
Once you have downloaded and installed the app, please create/restore a wallet and let it sync completely. When done, you can now delegate your stake to KOPI as below:

Delegate to KOPI using Yoroi
Yoroi is an official light wallet that does not download the blockchain when you open it. It can be accessed as a Chrome extension, or as a phone app (iOS and Andriod).
Once you have installed the Chrome extension or app, you need to create/restore a wallet. When done, you can now delegate your stake to KOPI as below:

Delegation Cycle

The Cardano Delegation Cycle is as shown on the left.
Some IMPORTANT points to note:
- Each Epoch is 5 days.
- Your first rewards take about 20 days to be distributed. It is NOT immediate.
- Your ADA never leaves your wallet. It is merely staked to KOPI.
- In the unlikely event of pool operation failure, you do not lose your ADA (as it has never left your wallet). It is possible that you will lose rewards due to block misses.
- When you delegate your new wallet for the first time, there is a stake key registration fee of 2 ADA. This deposit will be returned to you when you unregister your wallet when you stop staking.
- Every delegation and re-delegation transaction costs ~0.18 ADA.
- You do not lose any rewards when you re-delegate your stake to another pool. The rollover will follow the same delegation schedule.
- For a well-managed pool with high performance, you can expect a ~5% APY return that decreases over the long run.
- RoS% on and are merely indicative and the calculations are slightly different.
- Rewards calculation and distribution are performed by the protocol, not by the stake pool operators (SPOs). Hence you can be assured that the rewards you receive are accurate.