Rest of 2020 for Cardano

ERC-20 Converter and More

As we accelerate toward Shelley mainnet hardfork on 29 July, Charles has explained in a little bit more details on Cardano’s path ahead for 2020.

August is the month of clean up for the core engineering team after the hard work of Shelley mainnet launch. But other teams running parallel projects will still go full steam ahead.

August will be the month of Voltaire, with topics of balloting and dcfunds coming to the fore. The big question here will be “Who should get the money, and for what?”.

We can also expect developments on Ledger, Trezor and Yubikey (firmware, etc) to be announced.

Moving on, in September/October, Native Assets and related topics of security tokens and stable coins will be the focus. In addition, Charles has revealed that there will be a ERC-20 converter built by an external party on a fixed cost contract. This is exciting news because this converter will allow current ERC-20 tokens on the Ethereum platform to be redeployed easily onto the Cardano platform. The issue of high gas price might prove to be a push factor for ERC-20 tokens to migrate to Cardano.

Hydra (scalabililty) and Cross-chain communications (inter-operability) will be the focus for the remainder of 2020.

And this is merely the technical roadmap. Hopefully soon we will receive some updates on the commercial and regulatory fronts as well.